Listen! (Size 6.9 MBs, Running Time 9m55s)
This podcast is sponsored by SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.
Today's podcast covers the following topics: Open Databases Alliance; the Webtide's Jetty Java application server; PacketTrap network monitoring tools; and conference pointers:
The links mentioned in this podcast includes:
The beer recommendation for this podcast is the
Sam Adams Dunkelweizen.
The podcast recommendation is's This Week in Google (TWIG) with Leo Laporte , Jeff Jarvis, and Gina Trapani.
We are giving away a Tom Bihn Checkpoint Flyer
in the Black/Steel color pattern with a 15" laptop compartment to
celebrate the start of our 5th year of podcasting. Listen to the
podcast for directions.
Feel free to follow along with Steve Holden at: Twitter, FriendFeed, and/or Delicious. For tech news only updates follow TechNewsRadio on Twitter.
This podcast is sponsored by SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.