TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #327 | 070403 | Security News Plus eTech Interview With Zimbra

Today's Tech Rag Tear Outs podcast examines some security news from PC World & eWeek, and an interview from O'Reilly's eTech 2007 (podcast review) with Zimbra.

Links mentioned in this podcast include:

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 7.9 MBs, Running Time 17m14s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #331 | 070501 | Biggest Attendee Take Aways From Effective Manager Conference

Today's podcast brings listeners some great audio interviews of attendees at the recent Manager-Tools Effective Manager Conference

The collective wisdom of this podcast is based on the answers to the question: "What is your biggest take away from attending this conference?"

You can also get my complete personal impressions of the conference via an interview I did with Douglas E. Welch on his Career Opportunities podcast.

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing. And thanks to Zimbra for sponsoring our recent attendance at eTech 2007 (podcast review).

 (Size 11.6 MBs, Running Time 25m14s)

Manager-Tools Conference Summary Live Show Annoucement

I'd like to announced that I am going to be joining fellow member Douglas E. Welch, host of the excellent Career Opportunities podcast, for a Talkshoe Talkcast on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 9PM EDT/6 PM PDT.

The subject of the Talkcast will be a re-cap from my recent attendance at the's Effective Manager Conference held last week in Washington, DC.

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #325 | 070330 | Overview of eTech 2007

Today's podcast summarizes's thoughts and impressions related to attending eTech 2007 held in San Diego, CA from March 26-29, 2007.

The podcast is organized in four main sections: expo attendee bag review, opening night keynotes, thoughts on the term 'magic', and then eight top technologies you should be aware of.

In addition detailed conference notes have been posted in OPML format to

All the links mentioned in this podcast will be posted in the very near future (sorry for the delay).

This podcast is sponsored by Zimbra and SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 8.3 MBs, Running Time 18m01s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #324 | 070320 | Interview with Spoken Translation

Today's podcast has a great interview with Dina Moskowitz at Spoken Translation.  We discuss the company, the marketplace, the technology, and the future for their core product called Converser.

If you have a need or an interest in bringing voice recognition, pen interface, and language translation to a single platform, then you'll want to listen to this podcast.

Other links mentioned in this podcast include Friends In Tech and eTech 2007.

This podcast is sponsored by:
SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 9.8 MBs, Running Time 21m17s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #322 | 070306 | Review Edward Tufte Conference Plus Google News & Tips

Today's podcast includes a conference review and then a couple of pointers to new news and tips about Google from eWeek and MaximumPC.

The review is of a recent Edward Tufte Conference that was attended in late January 2007 [detailed PDF of notes]. Attending the conference also includes the following Edward Tufte books: Beautiful Evidence, Envisioning Information, Visual Explanations, and The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.

Links mention in this podcast include:

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 6.2 MBs, Running Time 13m34s)

Guest Co-Host On In The Trenches (ITT) Podcast

I was lucky to be invited as a guest co-host with fellow FriendsInTech member Kevin Devin on his excellent In The Trenches podcast on Friday night.

From my perspective, the main topics include Microsoft Vista RC1 and Office 2007 (beta).

It was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed doing a 'live' one-pass podcast show format.

TECH NEWS RADIO #302 | 060822 | InfoWorld on AJAX, eWeek on MOM, and Baseline Top Ten IT Technologies for 2006

This podcast covers a great article on AJAX from Peter Wayner in InfoWorld (plus a  screencast is available); a detailed summary of MOM 2005 to SCOM 2007 functionality by Cameron Sterdevant in eWeek; and Baseline's "Top Ten Projects in 2006" list by Todd Spangler [discuss].

Links mentioned in this podcast include:

Other items of potential interest noted during the podcast: new bloggers, Internet Child Safety Flier, and Firestone Double Barrel Ale.

This podcast is sponsored by SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 4.3 MBs, Running Time 9m15s)

TECH NEWS RADIO #298 | 060725 | Conferences and Books Pointers

This podcast covers the following technology conferences (and then some books):

We also cover the following computer network security conferences:

The last part of this podcast quickly examines some recently released O'Reilly and Assoicates Books that look pretty interesting:

This podcast is sponsored by SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 5.6 MBs, Running Time 12m05s)