Prepping For Next Tech News Radio (TNR) Podcast
Sunday, August 12, 2012
EDITED on 8/2/2014
The most current podcast has been released Tech News Radio #373.
The following are items currently in the queue for being included in a future podcast (no ETA):
- Wireshark 1.8.1
- BackTrack 5 R2 (with R3 expected in by end of August 2012)
The following are currently items of interest but probably not something we will cover in the next podcast (they propobably will be posted on @technewsradio):
- The 'new' eXploit magazine is devoted to learning about and examining exploits. The first edition is focused on: Metasploit, PMI, WSDL, SOAP, DoS
- Wickr is a secure communications app for Apple iOS that has no central repository of msgs & includes a msg self-destruct option
- Path is a "social network" that limits your social circle to no more than 150 people (aka Dunbar's number)
- Pair is an mobile application that only allows for communication between just two people