TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #374 | 2023-02-20 | Recommendo Book, Wine 8.3, & Red Team Tools

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Today's podcast references material from the following links:

Feel free to follow along with Steve Holden at Twitter For technology news only updates follow TechNewsRadio @ Twitter.

DEFCON 22 2014 Conference Report


A detailed conference report of the sessions attended has been posted: DEFCON22 (PDF).

In addition, here is a summary of DEFCON 22 related news articles of potential interest:

Here are pointers to previous reports: DEFCON 18, DEFCON 19, DEFCON 20, and DEFCON 21.


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Today's podcast is inspired by the Dog Days Of Podcasting (#DDOP).  It is a single focus recommendation on why I have NMAP in my security toolkit and why you should consider it.

Feel free to follow along with Steve Holden at: Twitter and/or Google+.  For technology news only updates follow TechNewsRadio @ Twitter.

DEFCON 19 Podcast Review


DEFCON 19 was in Las Vegas, NV from August 4-5, 2011.  This yearly computer network security and hacker conference is full of cutting-edge research, detailed demos, awesome presentations, and a lot of partying. The podcast coverage was pretty good also. Here are my recommendations:

If you are interested in hearing my thoughts about DEFCON 19 then check out the podcast (08-11-2011).  I am the boring "IT Guy" trying to avoid the topic of "hot" women visiting the booth.  If you'd like to see a copy of my notes (13+ pages) then drop me a personal email to: "s h o l d e n"

Here is a Picasa collage from the Network Security Podcast meet-up at DEFCON 19 that was "infected" by Paul & Larry @'s little red balls from one of thier sponsors:


Another Week Of Recommended Podcasts Worth A Listen

Podcast-recommendations-01 Looking through my listened to podcast list for this past week, I'm going to recommend the following as potentially interesting:


@technewsradio Roundup Posts for May 7th, 2011

The following is a summary of @technewsradio posts to Twitter:

  1. ASIS Bookstore (security pro organization) has announced over 26 new books via their online store
  2. SWFTools is a collection of open source utilities for working with Adobe Flash files (SWF files)
  3. Amazon online cloud services has a bunch of demos available - including Travel Log (Sample Java Web Application)
  4. Google has fixed a SketchUp 8 "dreaded shadow bug"
  5. Franklin Covey's PlanPlus for Outlook (version 7) is now on sale for $80 (vice $100) 
  6. Looking for a open source mind mapping tool?  Then check out Free Mind
  7. Microsoft Press has announced 3 more books in their Step By Step series: Microsoft Word 2010, Excel 2010 & Project 2010 
  8. has an interesting article "Wired—Geek Power: Steven Levy Revisits Tech Titans, Hackers, Idealists"
  9. Listening to "A Witness to a the Egyptian Revolution" by Doug Kaye (Executive Director, The Conversations Network) via
  10. Per Kevin Devin at - A good tool for finding Creative Commons (CC) images on Flickr is here
  11. the Microsoft & Nokia deal seems to leave HP WebOS, BlackBerry, and Intel out of the loop with Apple (#2) & Android (#1) being top dogsDelete
  12. red5 is an open source audio/video (FLV & MP3) server that also supports H.264 
  13. Steven Levy's classic "Heroes of the Computer Revolution" has a new 25th Anniversary Edition

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #369 | 2010-07-13 | News

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Today's podcast examines some recent news from that Petroleo Brasileiro SA is rolling out a big deployment to over 90,000 systems; and that v3.21 of Open Office has been release with v3.3 expected this Fall 2010.  Two additional links mentioned in this podcast include: Open Document Format (ODF) and Oracle.

Feel free to follow along with Steve Holden at: TwitterFriendFeed, and/or Delicious.  For tech news only updates follow TechNewsRadio on Twitter.

This podcast is sponsored by SCOTTEVEST and Amazon.

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #365 | 2010-07-07 | Flash Via JavaScript In HTML5

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Today's podcast takes a look at an open source project called Gordon from Tobias Schneider (@tobeytailor) that enables Adobe Flash to run in an HTML5 browser using JavaScript.  Additional links mentioned in this podcast include:

Feel free to follow along with Steve Holden at: TwitterFriendFeed, and/or Delicious.  For tech news only updates follow TechNewsRadio on Twitter.

This podcast is sponsored by SCOTTEVEST and Amazon.

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #363 | 2010-07-05 | Getting Started With WordPress

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Today's podcast examines news from fellow members and Technorama podcasters' Chuck Tomasi and Kreg Stepp. They have a new book out called "Teach Yourself WordPress in 10 Minutes" from SAMS publishing, and a companion podcast called "Teach Yourself WordPress in 10 Minutes ... in 10 Minutes".  For reference the main WordPress sites are: and

You can also learn more about WordPress from a newsletter tip from

Feel free to follow along with Steve Holden at: TwitterFriendFeed, and/or Delicious.  For tech news only updates follow TechNewsRadio on Twitter.

This podcast is sponsored by SCOTTEVEST and Amazon.

Twitter Updates - ePub, TurboCash, iPad, Windows,, Evernote, etc

The following is a summary of tweets posted to TechNewsRadio@Twitter over the last week:

  • OpenBook Specification for ePub (xhtml, css, etc) - some tools: Calibre & Adobe InDesign
  • TurboCASH has released the 4301 Update (5/5/2010) - this is an interesting open source financial mgmt application
  • Just posted on my personal blog "An Apple iPad ~2 Month Later Review & Update"
  • MacWorld has good references on on ePub & iPad
  • Celina Jacobson has an interesting post examining "100 Excellent Lifehacks for Your Long Commute"
  • Mark Minasi's TechNewsletter#89 Secrets of Creating Default User in Windows 7, Cleaning Up Setup's Little Security Hole
  • is now beta testing drag-n-drop functions to the cloud using HTML5, Firefox 3.6, and Google Chrome
  • Possible Evernote User Group Meeting in San Diego being discussed