TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #332 | 070724 | Focus on Mobile Gear, Software Development, Enterprise Solutions, and New Media

Today's Tech Rag Tear Outs podcast includes pointers to the following topic areas: Mobile Gear, Software Development, Enterprise Solutions, and New Media.

The content is from the following sources: MaximumPC, Software Developer Times, Computer World, eWeek, PC Magazine, Information Week, Network World, PC World, and Mobile Enterprise Magazine.

Technology links mentioned in this podcast include:

Some administrivia links mentioned in the podcast include:

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 7.4 MBs, Running Time 16m00s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #327 | 070403 | Security News Plus eTech Interview With Zimbra

Today's Tech Rag Tear Outs podcast examines some security news from PC World & eWeek, and an interview from O'Reilly's eTech 2007 (podcast review) with Zimbra.

Links mentioned in this podcast include:

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 7.9 MBs, Running Time 17m14s)

Manager-Tools Conference Summary Live Show Annoucement

I'd like to announced that I am going to be joining fellow member Douglas E. Welch, host of the excellent Career Opportunities podcast, for a Talkshoe Talkcast on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 at 9PM EDT/6 PM PDT.

The subject of the Talkcast will be a re-cap from my recent attendance at the's Effective Manager Conference held last week in Washington, DC.

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #325 | 070330 | Overview of eTech 2007

Today's podcast summarizes's thoughts and impressions related to attending eTech 2007 held in San Diego, CA from March 26-29, 2007.

The podcast is organized in four main sections: expo attendee bag review, opening night keynotes, thoughts on the term 'magic', and then eight top technologies you should be aware of.

In addition detailed conference notes have been posted in OPML format to

All the links mentioned in this podcast will be posted in the very near future (sorry for the delay).

This podcast is sponsored by Zimbra and SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 8.3 MBs, Running Time 18m01s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #324 | 070320 | Interview with Spoken Translation

Today's podcast has a great interview with Dina Moskowitz at Spoken Translation.  We discuss the company, the marketplace, the technology, and the future for their core product called Converser.

If you have a need or an interest in bringing voice recognition, pen interface, and language translation to a single platform, then you'll want to listen to this podcast.

Other links mentioned in this podcast include Friends In Tech and eTech 2007.

This podcast is sponsored by:
SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 9.8 MBs, Running Time 21m17s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #323 | 070313 | Review of Tom Bihn ID Bag & Digital Photography News

Today's podcast includes a hands-on review of the new Tom Bihn ID Bag and then a couple of pointers on digital photography from PC World and Wired. Links and technology items mentioned in this podcast include:

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 6.0 MBs, Running Time 13m03s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #318 | 070206 | eWeek News On Collaboration & Storage Plus Upcoming Conferences

Today's Tech News Radio podcast covers some upcoming conferenence notificaitons, and both collaboration and storage related news from eWeek.   Links mentioned in this podcast include:

We also play in this podcast a pointer to and a promo for PaulDotCom Security Weekly.

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 8.9 MBs, Running Time 19m15s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #317 | 061226 | Online Software Updates

Today's Tech News Radio Podcast examines the latest online software updates from:

Additional links mentioned in this podcast include:

And we have a great microbrew recommendation -- Squatters India Pale Ale brewed in Salt Lake City, Utah.

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing and with free eWeek subscriptions. You can also make listener supported donations directly to via this link.

 (Size 4.7 MBs, Running Time 10m05s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #316 | 061219 | Enterprise Solution Updates

Today's Tech News Radio Podcast examines three topic clusters: embedded systems, collaboration, and servers. Links mentioned this this podcast include:

We also highly recommend Samuel Smith's 2006-2007 Winter Welcome Ale brewed in Yorkshire, England.

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing and with free eWeek subscriptions. You can also make listener supported donations directly to via this link.

 (Size 4.5 MBs, Running Time 9m40s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #314 | 061205 | New Technology Books

Today's Tech Rag Tear Outs podcast looks at new technology books that may be of interest to listeners.  The books mentioned are organized in the following topic clusters:

In addition, we play a promo for FriendsInTech's Christmas 2006 Holiday Special original podcast story.

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing and with free eWeek subscriptions. You can also make listener supported donations directly to via this link.

 (Size 3.9 MBs, Running Time 8m28s)