TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #334 | 070807 | Focus on Networking, Mobile Gear, Enterprise Solutions, A New Software Tool, and New Media

Listen To Podcast (Size7.6 MBs, Running Time 16m22s)

Today's Tech Rag Tear Outs podcast comes from content from: MaximumPC, NetworkWorld, PC Magazine, PC World, SC Magazine, and Military & Aerospace Electronics magazine.

Links mentioned during the technical content of this podcast includes:

Other links mentioned in this podcast include:

This podcast is sponsored by SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #333 | 070731 | Why Do People Listen To Podcasts?

Today's podcast takes a tangent from the traditional Tech Rag Tear Outs format to examine attendees of the April 2007 Effective Manager's Conference thoughts on why they listen to the podcast.

Additional links mentioned in this podcast includes:

You can also get connected via: Twitter, Jaiku, Pownce, & LinkedIn. More information about my Audacity session at the Podcast and New Media Expo can be found via on the Podcast Expo Forums.

This podcast is sponsored by SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 9.5 MBs, Running Time 20m32s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #328 | 070410 | High Definition Tech Plus eTech Interview With

Today's Tech Rag Tear Outs podcast looks at some Hi-Def (HD) compatible PC card pointers from Wired and Maximum PC.  We are also bring you an eTech 2007 related interview with Jonathan Crow @

Links mentioned in this podcast include:

This podcast is sponsored by: Zimbra and SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 8.1 MBs, Running Time 17m27s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #332 | 070724 | Focus on Mobile Gear, Software Development, Enterprise Solutions, and New Media

Today's Tech Rag Tear Outs podcast includes pointers to the following topic areas: Mobile Gear, Software Development, Enterprise Solutions, and New Media.

The content is from the following sources: MaximumPC, Software Developer Times, Computer World, eWeek, PC Magazine, Information Week, Network World, PC World, and Mobile Enterprise Magazine.

Technology links mentioned in this podcast include:

Some administrivia links mentioned in the podcast include:

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 7.4 MBs, Running Time 16m00s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #327 | 070403 | Security News Plus eTech Interview With Zimbra

Today's Tech Rag Tear Outs podcast examines some security news from PC World & eWeek, and an interview from O'Reilly's eTech 2007 (podcast review) with Zimbra.

Links mentioned in this podcast include:

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 7.9 MBs, Running Time 17m14s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #324 | 070320 | Interview with Spoken Translation

Today's podcast has a great interview with Dina Moskowitz at Spoken Translation.  We discuss the company, the marketplace, the technology, and the future for their core product called Converser.

If you have a need or an interest in bringing voice recognition, pen interface, and language translation to a single platform, then you'll want to listen to this podcast.

Other links mentioned in this podcast include Friends In Tech and eTech 2007.

This podcast is sponsored by:
SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 9.8 MBs, Running Time 21m17s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #323 | 070313 | Review of Tom Bihn ID Bag & Digital Photography News

Today's podcast includes a hands-on review of the new Tom Bihn ID Bag and then a couple of pointers on digital photography from PC World and Wired. Links and technology items mentioned in this podcast include:

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 6.0 MBs, Running Time 13m03s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #322 | 070306 | Review Edward Tufte Conference Plus Google News & Tips

Today's podcast includes a conference review and then a couple of pointers to new news and tips about Google from eWeek and MaximumPC.

The review is of a recent Edward Tufte Conference that was attended in late January 2007 [detailed PDF of notes]. Attending the conference also includes the following Edward Tufte books: Beautiful Evidence, Envisioning Information, Visual Explanations, and The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.

Links mention in this podcast include:

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 6.2 MBs, Running Time 13m34s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #320 | 070220 | Mobile News - TabletPCs, Neoware, BenQ, Sony eBook Reader, UMPC, and DASH GPS

Today's Tech Rag Tear Outs podcast looks at some mobile news from eWeek, Mobile Enterprise Magazine, Wired, PC Magazine, and PC World.  Links and technology items mentioned in this podcast include:

We also recommend you try out the Kona Brewing Company's Fire Rock Pale Ale and check out

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 5.4 MBs, Running Time 11m44s)

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #319 | 070213 | 802.11n, Vista, Office 2007, Screencast, PowerShell, ClearCube, OpenView, Cisco, IBM Research

Today's Tech Rag Tear Outs edition of Tech News Radio Podcasts examines news from eWeek in the following topic clusters: client technologies, system administration, and software development.  We also play promos and Manager Tools Podcast.

Links mentioned in this podcast include:

We also play in this podcast a pointer to and a promo for PaulDotCom Security Weekly.

This podcast is sponsored by: SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

 (Size 7.6 MBs, Running Time 16m35s)