Updates from Twitter - iPad, DEFCON 19, Podcasts, Mobile, Amazon, Etc
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The following items were recently posted on @technewsradio:
- USB hub allows simultaneous syncing of 49 iPads http://t.co/OO9H7HW
- DEFCON 19 Podcast Review #security #news #research #hacker #conference http://t.co/rbCr7hK
- SpokenWord.org gets about 1000 new programs every day & they are looking for curators of categories to make the content more organized
- BigBlueButton is a open source collaboration and training system that integrates a bunch of open source projects http://t.co/mEL5dDS
- PC World has more details on the recent news from Qualcomm about their planned updated Snapdragon mobile processor http://t.co/lQQO8y4
- YouTube has a great overview presentation on how "Prezi for iPad" works http://t.co/sHFJBSo
- Amazon EC2 is now supporting Virtual Machine (VM) Import to Amazon EC2 instances http://t.co/35n2UtJ
- IObit has announced a freeware version of Game Booster v2 for Windows that is geared for improving game performance http://t.co/Q0lWB4D
- Via Box.net ... you can get e-signatures features via DocuSign services integrated with documents stored on Box.net
- Getting started with project management? - "scope, time & "cost" - a good reference at Wikipedia http://t.co/oVIzQIX
- "Heroes of the Computer Revolution" original book looked at hackers & nerds from the late 1950s to the early 1980s http://t.co/H4Vz2kM
- arborjs.org - a graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery http://t.co/Zao0gyv
Thank you for sharing for this information. Which is useful for me.
Posted by: meghana | Thursday, June 22, 2017 at 12:15 AM