This Week's Tech Podcasts Worth A Listen
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Here is a pointer to some recent technology related podcasts that might be of interest:
- Windows Weekly 221: Mango, Windows 7 security, Hotmail, etc.
- MobileTechRoundup 245: tablet news, new phones, latest mobile updates
- Security Now 313: How The Internet Works: ICMP & UDP
- Marketplace Tech Report: 911, eBooks, riots, fantasy footboll, Wikipedia
- Typical Mac User Podcast 237: Lion FDE, Dropbox, PadPivot And Denoising Audio
- Wall Street Journal Tech News Briefing: All the latest business tech news fro
If you have a suggestion or a link to a good technology podcast to let others know about then drop us an email, message @technewsradio, or leave a comment below.