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Sad News - Passing Of Marc Orchant

It is with a very heavy heart that I need to let listeners of know of the passing of Marc Orchant on 12/9/2007.

Marc was a great technology friend who I was very privileged to meet in person and share some time with at eTech 2007.  In fact the interview with Attensia that I recorded at that conference was because of Marc's introductions.  He was always looking out for others and trying to help where he could. Thank you!

My prayers are with his family and friends.  He will be very missed.

Administrivia - Update On Marc Orchant

In the last podcast I posted, #340, I mentioned Eric Mack's recent interview with Marc Orchant was a must listen to.  And it still is, but I did want to let listeners know that Marc Orchant is very ill.  He suffered a very serious heart attack on Sunday, 12/2 and is still in very critical condition in the hospital.

The best place I've found for updates is via my friend Michael Sampson's Effective Collaboration site.

Please keep Marc, his family, and his friends in your prayers. 

I could not say this with more conviction, Marc is one of the nicest, most helpful technologists I have met through podcasting & blogging, and I am pulling for him with all the effort I can muster.

TECH NEWS RADIO PODCAST #340 | 070918 | Discussions on: Future Tense, CIO Podcast, IInnovate, Controlling Chaos, Eric Mack, JKOnTheRun, Radio Lab, Technorama, Kevin Devin, Engadget

Listen! (Size 6.8 MBs, Running Time 14m35s)

This podcast is sponsored by SCOTTEVEST (SeV) - makers of fine tech clothing.

Today's Tech News Radio podcast examines a review of information technology related podcasts, and news items related to the tech podcast marketplace.  This is our 7th edition of this format and comments are welcome at: [email protected].  The promo played in this show is from Mortgages Made Simple.

Specific podcast recommendations mentioned in this podcast include:

Additional links mentioned include: