TECH NEWS RADIO #290 | 060530 | MaximumPC, Accelero VGA Cooler, mplayer2, Codec Problems, Free PDF tools, WinDirStat, THE MOVIES game
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
This podcast highlights some items of potential interesting items from MaximumPC magazine published either in April or May 2006. Here are the links mentioned:
- Artic-Cooling's Accelero VGA Cooler works great with ATI X1800 XT
- mplayer2 vs. Windows Media Player
- Windows Media Drivers: DIV Movies Software, AC3Filter, and Videra
- VLC Media Player with support for Windows, BeOS, BSD, Linux, and Mac OS X (no support for REAL Player)
- Free PDF authoring for Windows via: or PDF Creator
- WinDirStat overs a great way to visualize file/folder data
- THE MOVIES Game looks like a cool game
- Shop @ MaximumPC
This podcast is sponsored by O'Reilly and Associates Safari Bookshelf online technical library.