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April 2006
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June 2006

TECH NEWS RADIO #290 | 060530 | MaximumPC, Accelero VGA Cooler, mplayer2, Codec Problems, Free PDF tools, WinDirStat, THE MOVIES game

This podcast highlights some items of potential interesting items from MaximumPC magazine published either in April or May 2006.  Here are the links mentioned:

This podcast is sponsored by O'Reilly and Associates Safari Bookshelf online technical library.

 (Size 3.2 MBs, Running Time 6m45s)

TECH NEWS RADIO #289 | 060523 | LifeHacks, O ROKR, Privacy Filters, and Vulnerability Marketplace

This podcast examines life hacks, a bluetooth-enabled MP3 player, protecting your display systems from eavesdropping, and buying-and-selling computer network attacks.

The links mentioned in this podcast includes:

This podcast is sponsored by O'Reilly and Associates Safari Bookshelf online technical library.

 (Size 3.7 MBs, Running Time 7m55s)

Tech Podcast Space Continues To Be Full Of Value continues to be very impressed with the "technology podcast" space.  The quality and the depth is really amazing.   Here is a quick sample:

TECH NEWS RADIO #288 | 060516 | Newsgator, DIY Stock Photography, and End Point Security

This podcast discusses the following topics:

The links mentioned in this podcast include:

This podcast is sponsored by O'Reilly and Associates Safari Bookshelf online technical library.

 (Size 2.8 MBs, Running Time 6m00s)

Audio Available Of Interview By Grehan With Google's Cutts

Mike Grehan posted his audio files of his recent interview with Google's Matt Cutts on  I thought this was interesting for two reasons:

  • It is neat when traditional writers/bloggers release their research that is used to build written reports.
  • Some of the stuff that Matt discusses about Google's ranking and search technology is very compelling.

TECH NEWS RADIO #287 | 060509 | Security Briefings, RSS Publishing, Conference Annoucements for OSCON, Eclipse, Software Development

In this podcast we give away some more stuff in our April 2006 give-a-way.  Get yourself on the's Frappr Map and get in on the free stuff. Choices over the next three months include: INIT's iPod Black Leather Case or Video 30-MB Silicon Skin, or Dynex Headphone Splitter.

Links mentioned in this podcast include:

And the conferences we discuss includes:

This podcast is sponsored by O'Reilly and Associates Safari Bookshelf online technical library.

 (Size 3.1 MBs, Running Time 6m30s)

TECH NEWS RADIO #286 | 060504 | Project Management, VoiceCON, KVM, Junxion,, ISO 26300,, Network Notepad, Oracle, Apple

This Tech Rag Tear Outs analysis segment from is sponsored by  O'Reilly and Associates Safari Bookshelf online technical library. 

In summary this podcast is focused on: some upcoming conferences, a new KVM that supports dual-head video, wireless routers, some open source and freeware news & tools, and some integration info about Apple and Oracle.

The technical links mentioned in this podcast include:

Also I highly recommend the following beers:

Lastly, I also have to recommend Theodore Roosevelt Island which is part of the George Washington Memorial Parkway that is operated by the Virgina Turkey Run Park for a run or walk if you are in the Washington DC area.  It was fun and relaxing.

It should also be noted that at the end of the podcast is a fun song from The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd called "One Meatball!" By Dr. Steve & Fidgert.

 (Size 7.05 MBs, Running Time 15:20)

Technology Podcast News and Pointers

There is a lot of stuff going on not just on but also with

In addition, the rest of the technology podcast space is very busy. Here is a quick "link fest" summary:

Lastly there are some actual "new" technologies that are improving the podcast experience (from both listener and production standpoints) they include:

TWIT.TV - Inside The Net Looks At ReGenesis TV

Amber and Leo hit a virtual home run with Inside the Net 20: ReGenesis TV podcast.

This is a very powerful podcast that outlines what the TV show ReGenesis is doing to merge TV and the Internet into a single, seamless but still integrated marketing and promotional message.  Plus it adds signficant value to the viewer/participant.  Kudos!

Alert - Web Host Problems

Just to keep everyone in the loop, I am having some web-hosting issues with TypePad and with the MP3 server at  I am trying to resolve them as quickly as possible.

UPDATE (Thursday, 5/4/06): is back up thanks to Harold Reed at DarnPC Podcast.  TypePad was down because of DDoS, and then I moved some files to Libsyn and then they went down.  Isn't technology fun!