Previous month:
December 2005
Next month:
February 2006

TECH NEWS RADIO #250 (Web Tools, Flash Lite 2, and Geronimo)

Today's podcast examines new software developer news from SD Times:

Other links mentioned during this podcast include:

This podcast is sponsored in part by: - your source for technology resources.

TECH NEWS RADIO #249 (Windows & Open Source)

This edition of Tech Tidbits Daily is about an interesting article in Network World for January 23rd, 2006 about a new growing trend of open source solutions running on Windows.  Some links mentioned in this podcast includes:

Learn more about GotoMeeting's webconferencing solution from

TECH NEWS RADIO #248 (Lasso Logic's CDP1440i Real-Time Backups)

This podcast examines the Sean McCown review of the the new Lasso Logic's CDP1440i Real-Time Backup solution in for Jan. 23, 2005.

NOTE: LassoLogic was recently purchased by SonicWall.

Learn more about GotoMeeting's webconferencing solution from

TECH NEWS RADIO #247 (Carson Helps Me Podcast About Mobile Gear)

Back in October I did this segment without "help" in standard Tech Tidbits Daily fashion.  But the truth be told I originally had a "helper" with the prep.  Here is the "helper" version:

Mobile Enterprise for October 2005 had a special feature that highlighted eight new technology cases for laptops and handhelds.

Learn more about GotoMeeting's webconferencing solution from


TECH NEWS RADIO #246 (Newsgator, NetNewsWire, Enterprise Server, RSS Hosting, and MarsEdit)

Today we review some recent news from Newsgator.  I personally use Newsgator for Outlook day-to-day on my work Toshiba Tecra M4 TabletPC, and on my podcasting Apple iBook G4 I am using NetNewsWire.

Some links mentioned in this products:

Learn more about GotoMeeting's webconferencing solution from

TECH NEWS RADIO #245 (eWeek on Open Source Security Tools and Social Engineering 101 via SC Magazine)

This podcast from covers the following two security topics:

Learn more about GotoMeeting's webconferencing solution from

TECH NEWS RADIO #244 (InfoWorld on Cisco Catalyst 4506 and Supervisor Engine II-Plus-10GE)

Today's podcast looks at an InfoWorld Test Center review by Paul Venezia of the new Cisco Catalyst 4506 with Supervisor Engine II-Plus-10GE.  The unit scored a 10 for Performance, 8 for Configuration, and then 9's for Management, Scalability, and Value for normalized score of 9.1 and an "excellent" overall rating.

Learn more about GotoMeeting's webconferencing solution from

Snippet From Gadget Show Podcast Highlights Clustered Debian Linux For Backend Of SecondLife

This was originally planned to go out on the site but has been re-allocated back to

Steve Holden from highlights some interesting backend infrastructure configurations from an interview done on the Gadget Show Podcast with Richard Giles.  The interview was with the Vice President of Product Development of SecondLife - Cory Ondrejka.

I thought the details on clustered Linux using Debian was interesting. [NOTE: When I originally recorded this I mentioned the incorrect game Half-Life vice the correct game title Second Life.  Sorry about my error.]