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Tech Rag Tear Outs (TRTO) Podcast #035 [Information Week, Computer Reseller News, eWeek, Network Computing, Network World, MaximumPC, Baseline, InfoWorld, PC Magazine, SC Magazine, and Communications News]

Show 35 has been finished and uploaded ... HTML show notes are below ... OPML is available via this link ...

wedge (00:00-03:38) Introduction

*Show notes using: Apple iBook and OmniOutliner. Next edition we will try MindJet MindManager 6 for Windows.

wedge Official Beer of the Show:
* Anchor Brewing Anchor Steam Ale
wedge (03:39-32:02) Primary Content
* Disaster Recover using capabilities from Agility Recovery Solutions and nFrame
* Wi-Fi issues for local governments (26Sep05)
* MA*LABS offers customized USB flash drives with logos, colors, auto-run functions, and preloaded data/content
* HP has recently purchased AppIQ and Peregrine
* Great graphics from
* Coverage of DemoFall had some details on a new project management tool called Green Array
* Zimbra is a new OpenSource collaboration tool based on AJAX, XML, and SOAP
* Gambit Communications Mimic Virtual Lab (MVL) for CCNA (Cisco IOS simulator)
* New National Lambdarail (fiber optic R&D network) is growing
* GeForce 7800 cards are Kick Ass winners: BFG GEFORCE 7800 GT OC, PNY VERTO 7800 GTX, and ASUS Extreme N7800 GTX
wedge Baseline back in Feb05:
* Hands on workbook - Making decisions on Computer Security: The First Step by Steven Ross
* Enterprise Spyware: 9.3 score = F-Secure Anti-Virus Client Security 6.  Others with Excellent or Very Good scores =,,,,
* Jabber is now shipping a JabberNow hardware appliance that can support up to 1,000 users.
* Editor's Choice Awards for Digital Cameras for Oct. 4, 2005: Canon EOS 20D, Nikon D50, Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ30, and Canon PowerShot SD500
* Group Test on Instant Messaging Security found a "recommendation" for Gordano Messaging Suite is ideal for closed Intranet deployments.
wedge Communications News New Products:
* HyPerformix IPS Capacity Manager (network modeling)
* DragonWave AirPair 2000 offers wireless gigabit ethernet
wedge (26:06-31:10) Ending The Show

wedge Music for the show from
* Song: Love Mission
* Thanks to Harold Reed @ the DarnPC podcast for continuing to support the bandwidth needs of this show.
* You can call in comments to: 206-337-1533

Save 10% at! [Also $1.99 domain sale absolutely ends on 10/10/05. Use code "TECH3".]

GotoMeeting & event for October 2005 being planned.

Tech Tidbits Daily Podcast for September 29, 2005

Kevin Devin at In the Trenches podcast recently pointed out a relatively new effort from called "Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools" (BIRT).  This podcast takes a quick look and gives you some details.

Save 10% at! [Also $1.99 domain sale absolutely ends on 10/10/05. Use code "TECH3".]

GotoMeeting & event for October 2005 being planned.

Tech Tidbits Daily Podcast for September 28, 2005

Looking for some ideas on how to give better presentations? 

Save 10% at! [Also $1.99 domain sale absolutely ends on 10/10/05. Use code "TECH3".]

GotoMeeting & event for October 2005 being planned.

Tech Tidbits Daily Podcast for September 23, 2005

Here is a list of upcoming conferences that may be of interest organized in the following sections: cyber-security, developers & content providers, enterprise engineers, and business leaders:

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The next GotoMeeting & event is Sept. 24th at 1:30 p.m. (PDT).

Tech Blurbs #001 from

The first edition of Tech Blurbs includes the following technology topics:

Tech Tidbits Daily Podcast for September 22, 2005

Two items of interest today, one from Tripp Lite and the other from Sonic Impact Technologies.

Tripp Lite has a new portable TRAVELER100BT surge suppressor that offers complete AC and Ethernet or phone line surge suppression for laptops, electronic notepads, personal organizers and other portable electronic devices.

Switching gears from power protection to power audio amplification. 

Check out Sonic Impact Technologies T-AMP and the Apple iPod-savvy i-Fusion.  They seem like great audio amplification and speaker solutions. [Source: Forbes]

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The next GotoMeeting & event is Sept. 24th at 1:30 p.m. (PDT).

Tech Tidbits Daily Podcast for September 21, 2005

A new version 7.3 of SmartDraw has been released.  This Windows drawing package could be called the "MacDraw for Windows."  Some new improvement areas: help, styles, and templates.  In additional, bug fixes and some GUI enhancements have been added. This version is a free upgrade to all Version 7.0 users.  Previous owners of SmartDraw can upgrade for $99

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The next GotoMeeting & event is Sept. 24th at 1:30 p.m. (PDT).

Tech Tidbits Daily Podcast for September 20, 2005

Today we are going to look at two quick items: and OpenOffice 1.1.5:

  • has released a new line of Version 4.0 Technology Enabled Clothing or TEC.  There are now shorts, t-shrits, pants, sports coats, and more options in the jacket category like what type of cloth and style (like leather). 
  • has announced a new 1.1.5 version of their OpenOffice product for Windows (98/ME/NT/2000/XP), GNU/Linux (X86 and PowerPC) and Solaris (SPARC and X86) platforms in a host of languages, not just English.  The big thing in this release is the support for the XML based OpenDocument format approved the  Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS).

If you have feedback, call the listener line: 206-337-1533 or send me email at [email protected].

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The next GotoMeeting & event is Sept. 24th at 1:30 p.m. (PDT).

Tech Tidbits Daily Podcast for September 19, 2005

Today we have news of some California Bay Area events from Renee Blodgett, President of Blodgett Communications [blog]. 

Ray Kurzweil will be speaking about the topic "The Singularity" in reference to his new book "The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology", due to hit the streets on September 26:

The Singularity, almost an article of faith in techie circles, is the point at which machine intelligence outstrips human brainpower.

Ultimately, Kurzweil predicts, the predominant component of human intelligence will be non-biological, and more of our experiences will take place in virtual reality than in the physical world.

In this new world, there will be no clear distinction between human and machine, real reality and virtual reality.

The first event will be the SD Forum event in Palo Alto on Thursday, September 22, starting at 6 pm with a book signing following the event at 8:30 pm. It will be held at SAP America, Building D, 3410 Hillview Avenue in Palo Alto, CA 94304.

Then on Friday, September 23 in San Francisco starting at 7 pm, Kurzweil will be at the next LONG NOW event, which will be held at the Herbst Theater, in the Veterans Building, 401 Van Ness Avenue at McAllister in San Francisco.

Unfortunately, will not be able to attend either event but the speaking topic and the book do sound interesting.

Save 10% at!

The next GotoMeeting & event is Sept. 24th at 1:30 p.m. (PDT).