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Some Recommended Podcast Resources

Some podcasts of potential interest ...

Dave Winer's Morning Coffee Notes from 29Mar05 has an interview with his father, Dr. Leon Winer.  This is an amazingly cool podcast.  I highly recommend it.  There is ton of good information in this interview about outlining, thinking, and organizing at an abstracted but still very practical level.  Excellent!

IT Conversations:

Robert Scoble notes that "John Durant was interviewed on the second Office Zealot's Podcast."

Xeni Jardin @ BoingBoing was interviewed on Richard Giles' Australia-based podcast radio program "The Gadget Show."

Boing Boing also points out that Ewan Spence recorded a ton of interviews at eTech. This link should get the audio.

Eric Mack has David Allen in his digital sandbox, and then records a podcast.

Tech Tidbits Daily for Mar. 31, 2005

This is your Tech Tidbits Daily for Thursday, March 31st, 2005. Today's news is from Winternals.  This company has built a large library of Windows Server tools some free and some commercial that are key parts of most system administration toolkits.  They have just updated one of these tools: the Recovery Manager v1.2 to v2.0.  Some new features include: recovery sets of just not the operating system but also programs, user profiles, user data, registry keys, and file extensions.  They have also enable recovery to function over a TCP/IP networks, and included set of new services aimed at creating recovery points for mobile PC users that could be stored locally or on the network.  Another interesting security feature is the ability to encrypt the network traffic between hosts and agents. For more information about the links mentioned in this podcast, or for more details on how to subscribe to this podcast check out You can also send audio or email feedback to [email protected]. Have a great day.

Tech Tidbits Daily for Mar. 30, 2005

This is your Tech Tidbits Daily for Wednesday, March 30th, 2005. Today's item is going to be a great resource if you are a user of Microsoft Visio.  If you go to Visio Cafe ( you'll find a site dedicated to sharing and advocating the "free" release of Visio related stencils, icons, and drawing templates.  There have been recent editions to Symantec security devices, HP's very in-depth collection, some cabling overlays, and several other smaller company updates. So, please check out the site, and if you are utilizing a vendor who isn't submitting their diagramming resources to this site, please urge them to do so.  For more information about the links mentioned in this podcast, or for more details on how to subscribe to this podcast check out You can also send audio or email feedback to [email protected]. Have a great day.

Tech Tidbits Daily for Mar. 29, 2005

This is your Tech Tidbits Daily for Tuesday, March 29th, 2005. Today's item comes from blogger Dann Sheridan who shares his experience on his site in rolling out Verizon Wireless Broadband Internet Access to his company's mobile users.  They are using the Audiovox PC5220 PC Card, and Dann has got pretty good service coverage in Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Diego.  The interesting return on investment (ROI) on this type of service is that Dann thinks that this could eliminate travel communication charges like Internet access in hotels or at Wi-Fi hotspots. Something probably worth checking out. For more information about the links mentioned in this podcast, or for more details on how to subscribe to this podcast check out You can also send audio or email feedback to [email protected]. Have a great day.

Tech Tidbits Daily for Mar. 28, 2005

This is your Tech Tidbits Daily for Monday, March 28th, 2005. This is our last reviewed interest item from eTech 2005 conference. The usage of wiki's was a growing theme. In a nutshell, wiki's are a collaborative website where all the authors of the site can work together on creating the content. There is a new commercial solution in the works called JotSpot that is in beta testing.  But there is also a long list of other solutions you can build on your own.  One of the easier ones was demoed by  Tom Hoffman & Tim Lauer in their presentation "From the Classroom: Remixing Wikis with Rendevous, Web Services, and School Tool".  During the conference, and in less than 10 minutes, I was even able to follow their directions to get my own wiki up and running.  In summary, you download and install One-Click Ruby Installer for Windows (more info in general via Ruby On Rails), you then install instiki 0.9.2., and then in Windows you go to the install directory for "instiki", and you right mouse click on the file "instiki" and open with "Ruby interpreter." Then the instiki 0.9.2 wiki is running on your local port "http://localhost:2500" and you can access it via Firefox or another browser on your own system. Pretty neat. For more information about the links mentioned in this podcast, or for more details on how to subscribe to this podcast check out You can also send audio or email feedback to [email protected]. Have a great day.

Tech Rag Tear Outs (TRTO) #022 [PC World, KM World, Wired, Mobile Enterprise, Maximum PC, PC Magazine, Network World, and InfoWorld]

The 22nd podcast of Tech Rag Tear Outs has been posted.  Here are the detailed show notes:

  • (00:00-04:26) Introduction
  • (04:27-19:44) Primary Content
    • PC World:
      • New iRiver H10 & MobiBlue DAH-1500 MP3 players
      • New Oxyride disposable batteries coming from Panasonic & Rayovac
    • Mobile Enterprise:
      • HP 450wbt mobile color printer
    • PC Magazine:
      • DVD to a PocketPC from Makayama
      • Toshiba Protégé R100
      • Verizon Wireless EV-DO
      • Philips DGX320 speakers for MP3 players
      • Interlink’s GoSpeak! PA system
      • GPS: TomTom Go, Thaels Magellan Roadmate 700, Navman iCN 650
    • KM World:
    • Wired:
      • iPod Photo did the best (4 out of 5) in comparison to Olympus m:robe 500 (2.5 out of 5), Gateway MP3 Photo Jukebox (2 out of 5), and the iRiver H20 (1.5 out of 5)
    • Maximum PC:
      • Ogio Boss “bike messenger” laptop bag
      • Kodak EasyShare-One digital camera
      • Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Notebook card
    • Network World:
      • Plustek OpticSlim M12 color USB scanner
      • Sony Ericsson Walkman W800
    • InfoWorld:
      • HP TC1100 TabletPC
      • Siemens SX66 Pocket PC
      • T-Mobile Sidekick II
  • (19:45-22:35) Closing
    • Close out with awesome blues harmonica music called “Simmer-Down-Baby” from Billy Watson
    • To leave audio comments call: 206-337-1533
    • Have a great day!

Tech Tidbits Daily for Mar. 24, 2005

This is your Tech Tidbits Daily for Thursday, March 24th, 2005.  We continue to review items of potential interest from eTech 2005 conference. One of the more interesting announcements was from Google, which announced a new site called "".  On this site are links to programming tools for C/C++ and Python that are being hosted on There is also a great deal of information on some of the key APIs or application programming interfaces for: WebSearch, AdWords, and Desktop Search.  For more information about the links mentioned in this podcast, or for more details on how to subscribe to this podcast check out You can also send audio or email feedback to [email protected]. Have a great day.

Recommended: Two Podcasts on Backup

Two recent podcasts that I listened to had some good references on the topic of backups.  Everyone should have some interest in backups, especially at work, but probably equally important is the home backup.

The first was Kevin Devin's In The Trenches' for 03-21-05 and the second was from Christiaan Stoudt's HomeNetworkHelp.Info published for 2005-03-15.

I think Kevin's podcast is geared for the more system administrator savvy listener, and Christiaan's is great of the beginner but he also has some definitions of RAID, NAS, and SAN that are good refreshers for the IT pro.